Two weekends ago, we were finally able to release our virtual production of Super Happy Awesome News! (courtesy of Beat by Beat Press)
Since I've always loved musical theatre, I've imagined putting on a show with my voice students ever since I started teaching. I love recitals, and wouldn't want to stop doing that, but the process of producing a show is a different experience that I always wanted to share with my students! However, since musical theatre shows have traditionally been designed to be performed in person, and since Desert Home Music's students come from all over the US and Canada, it didn't seem like I'd ever be able to give them that experience... until now!
The current crisis has brought us a great deal of stress, fear, loneliness and disconnection. This is just a fact. But artists have a way of rising to unprecedented challenges and creating art anyway, which is just what Denver Casado, Jessica Penzias and the folks at Beat by Beat Press did, creating 2 (now 3!) musicals designed to be performed virtually. They even offered a discount at the beginning of the school year to make the rights to perform this musical more affordable (which is also amazing - thank you!)
Some of the performers in this video have huge amounts of experience under their belts... but some of them are brand new at singing and were extremely brave to share their talents and feelings on video for all to see! Our performances were filmed all through the second half of 2020 (and the first couple of weeks of 2021, and I spent many hours editing the clips together to make the video linked below!)
I hope that the greater community of writers and musicians out there continue to create shows to be performed virtually so that we can continue doing projects like this in the future!
And without further ado, go over and visit Desert Home's YouTube channel to watch our production of Super Happy Awesome News!